Labor Day

Here’s wishing you and yours a wonderful Labor Day weekend.  Enjoy, and please be safe. See you Tuesday (if not sooner).

Almost September!

I think September is my favorite month–there’s that fall zip in the air, that sense that something wonderful and exciting is about to happen.  For me, that feeling of impending adventure probably goes back to the old days, when school was starting...

Yeehaw, I’m rollin’!

I kept intending to write yesterday’s blog, but I was already too deep into “Big Sky River” to focus on anything else.  Lots of prayers and no hay deliveries or appointments or sick horses helped.  And I must credit going low-carb with part of this...

I’m late

I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date!  (No, it’s not MY date.  It’s Boone and Tara’s–things are heating up in “Big Sky River” country, and nothing will happen if I’m not there.)  🙂 I...


It’s still pretty warm here in Spokane, but that hint of fall is definitely there.  YES.  The blossoms on my Veteran’s Honor roses are full and bright red, another reminder that God is the most brilliant artist of all.  Now is the time to cut a plump,...

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