How high’s the water, Mama? or So this is Friday…

(With nods to my late friend, the one and only Johnny Cash, and to John Lennon, whom I never met, unfortunately.  And he was my favorite Beatle, too.) Virtual Linda’s water is, presently, at thigh level–two feet high and risin’  🙂 As for the...

Hydrated to my shins and other news

Hey, some days I come up with better topics than others.  🙂  Today’s blog title refers to my newest toy, an iPhone app called WaterMinder, as I believe I mentioned on Monday.  Interestingly, I’ve taken to downing a couple of big glasses of H2O before I...

There’s an app for that…

Before I start in on today’s main topic, here are last week’s winners: Marguerite Guinn and Cathy Dixon.  (Your prizes are on their way as we speak–Jen just left for the post office.)   As always, the new round is up and running, so be sure to...

Winners and….I’m baaaaack!

Whoop-de-do, I’m back.  I’m myself again.  My doctor took me off my ADD meds and the fog has lifted–hallelujah! Our winners, who should have been announced yesterday, are Kim Rudisill and Darlene Holley.  Apologies and congratulations, ladies.  As...

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