Monday Stuff

Winners: Maxine Luckie and Socorro Smith–congratulations!  Normally, I would announce a new contest today, but because both Jenni and I will be traveling a lot over the next few weeks, we’re taking a temporary hiatus.  Have no fear, though–the...

September 11

May we hold the victims of the attacks of September 11, 2001 in the warmth and reverence of our hearts, today and forever.

Elvis and the Bunny Slippers

I needed some cheering up.  That’s my excuse for buying 1) an Elvis Presley piggy bank, complete with golden sunglasses and 2) a pair of bunny slippers.  🙂  (I did need new slippers.)  I laugh every time I look at the bank, let alone drop change through the...

It’s hard to blog….

It seems I’ve been the bearer of bad news lately, and the last thing I want to do is be a downer to you, my good and faithful friends. On Monday afternoon, I bid good-bye to my last indoor pet, my kitty, Jitterbug.  Her diabetes seemed to be under control, but...

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