OK, this is the first real day of the Magic Hormone Diet. (For the first two days, you load up on fatty foods, so your body won’t freak out when you cut back. Think this is easy? Think again–I couldn’t WAIT to get back on the low-fat wagon.) This second phase of the diet is a challenge, though. 500 calories a day. (Don’t panic. This is temporary, and there are lots of supplements. My doctor’s wife, who looks fantastic, by the way, lost 25 pounds in three weeks. And she’s keeping it off.)
A week from today, I will weigh in. And I will report honestly. If it’s a bust, I’ll say so. 🙂
I’m inspired, though, to pursue other goals. I want to quit smoking, so I’m on Chantix, and I just ordered some special cut-back filters from http://www.quitsmoking.com/. Got the false cigarette, too, because with writers, so much of the habit is about holding something in your hand.
Many and varied are my personal goals. 🙂 Here are a few of them:
Declutter, get rid of clothes, makeup and STUFF in general.
Learn Photoshop.
Attend some art workshops–especially ones by Lisa Pavelka and Laurie Mika, polymer clay artists extraordinaire. (No, I don’t know them personally. :)But I am a great admirer of their work.)
Learn something new every day, however small and seemingly unimportant. Knowledge IS power, ladies and gentlemen.
Find a tailor, when I lose the 26 pounds remaining, and have some clothes custom-made.
And I want to remember that the key to success is any endeavor is VISION. I will think about how I want things to go, and not invent disaster scenarios. 🙂 Writers are very good at that.