Goof Off Day

Today, I’m doing art–okay, more properly, I’m experimenting with the supplies I bought yesterday, at Hobby Lobby, where I got into a wonderful conversation with a gentleman visiting from England.  He and his wife have friends in Spokane,...

The News from the Triple L

“Big Sky Country” is finished!  Whew!And, to make the day even more exciting, “A Lawman’s Christmas” hits the stores today.Now, I’m off to celebrate.  🙂

Finished! (Almost)

I spent the weekend revising “Big Sky Country”–not a lot of changes, as I rewrite continually as I go along, but a word here, a phrase there, a story fact my editor and I had agreed to change–the usual.  That brought me to this...

The Book Club and Other Things

A fine time was had by all at Shirley Allings’ book club meeting last night.  Few things are more fun than enjoying food (it was my free night) and congenial conversation about one of my favorite subjects: books!  Thank you, Shirley and Matt and all...


Today, writing is just about all I can think about.  I am SO CLOSE to finishing this book.  I will probably complete the draft tomorrow and spend the weekend doing the revisions and polish.  Yesterday, they laid the new hardwood floor in the guest...

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