Wow!  I love it when I hear from so many of you at once. Mom is much better and planning to head on home later today; some of the crew will be checking on her regularly, though, to make sure she’s thriving.  It’s been fun having her here–she’s...

If it’s Monday, I must be Linda….

Yeesh.  There’s been so much going on here on the old homestead, I’m not sure if I’m coming or going.  🙂 First, our winners for this week.  They are: Peggy Clayton and Louise McCourt.  Congratulations, both of you; you’ll be receiving your...

Ankle and Mom Updates

First, though, a happy birthday wish to my nephew, Jerome Lael.  He’s 16 today!  Hard to believe–they grow up so darn fast. Mom is still coughing, and I’ve asked her doctor to refill her antibiotics Rx, and also to make sure she’s getting...

Monday winners and other stuff

First, this week’s winners: Sharon Louise Rackham and Sue Grace.  Congratulations, both of you.  Your autographed copies of “The Marriage Season” will be on their way soon.  As always, a new round begins today, so just comment and you’re in.  2...

Weight Watchers Report and other news

Yesterday was Weight Watchers–and I said a prayer early in the day, asking to be grateful, whatever the scale said.  Good thing.  I was up 3.2 pounds–not surprising after a trip and a sprained ankle–but I got my answer, too.  I was and am...

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