Two blogs in one

I started the first part of this blog last Friday and, due to general principle, I was interrupted.  So here’s the first one, entitled, “Goals vs Desires” I have another squash waiting, and I’ll probably fix it over the weekend, (I did, but I...

This weeks winners………..

……..are Leanna and Virginia Horton.  Each of you should have received an email from Jenni by now.  If you respond to it, we’ll get your prizes out to you.  Have a great weekend!

Spaghetti squash and other tales

You know my penchant for experimenting–and I feel it’s only fair to mention the failures as well as the successes.  🙂  The most recent lab project involved spaghetti squash.  I decided to deviate from my standard way of cooking this lovely no-point...

What happened to Monday?

I had the best of intentions, but you know what they say about good intentions.  🙂  I was mainly caught up in the current project, THE MARRIAGE PACT, which will be followed by a special Christmas title (brand new) for this year, and we had the usual number of...

It’s been a rocky week for getting online :)

I’m grabbing my chance to blog while I can–it’s been a wild ride, between switching servers and dicey connections in general.  Oh, well, at least I finally showed up.  🙂 This week’s winners are Lyla Pedersen and Anita C.  Congratulations,...

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