She’s Baaaack!
Home from Las Vegas late last night--I swear, I slept like a dead woman.Over the next few days, I'll tell you all about my wonderful experience down in Glitter Gulch--there is a LOT to say! Before I go any further, though, I have folks to thank. The wonderworkers at...
Pinch Me
I think I'm actually finished with the new book. :)"Tate" and "Garrett", the first two stories in the Texas McKettricks trilogy, are strong books, and I'm so proud of them. I won't pretend writing them was easy--for some reason, they were harder than most of their...
I Keep Saying This, But…
I really, really think I'm going to finish "Garrett" today! I did some polishing yesterday, making changes my editor asked for, etc. I'm so excited!After "Garrett", I'll be taking a short (but glamorous) break to head down to Las Vegas, for some National Finals Rodeo...
December Again
It's lovely out today--frost shimmering on everything, but the sun is shining. The pines in the draw stand tall and green and sparkly. Today, I'm celebrating what is instead of resisting what isn't. :)I've been writing--I'm putting the finishing touches on "Garrett",...
Some of my art
This is a 12x12 beeswax collage I call "Veiled". It's a Christmas gift for a good friend.
The little Arabian sweetie-mare.
Banjo and Coco
Mother and son.
My first ever horse. She started it all!
My little paint pony, named for Robert E Lee's magnificent horse--which looked completely different. 🙂
Hello, Monday!
Well, as you can see, I've discovered the art of posting pictures to my blog. Where this will all end is anybody's guess. To say I tend to get carried away with things like this would be the understatement of the day--week--month--YEAR.Expect to see strange and...
Tracking turkeys.
Here's my old buddy, Buck.