blogs & news

My Cousin Kathy

Kathy Bannon passed away this weekend.She was older than the rest of us, and growing up, she was pretty bossy. We used to tease her unmercifully for reading so many Harlequins (how ironic is that?) and she'd either dismiss us with a disdainful wave and a sniff--or...

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Just in time for the weekend, I'm recombobulating. 🙂 As I can thank my mom for the word 'discombobulation', so I extend felicitations of gratitude to my sister, Sally, who emailed to ask if I was 'recombobulated'.Weatherwise, we're having a rather dreary day. Rain,...

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I think that's a word, anyway.And it certainly describes me, today. I could NOT get to sleep last night, no matter what, partly because I couldn't find my iPod and I'm addicted to my nightly book-listening time. (After searching three floors, I finally found the...

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More Fog

Fog words have been going through my mind this morning, since we have more of the stuff...You might say the draw behind my house is fog-swathed--or fog-clogged--This is what happens if I have too much free time.Best get back to the story.:)

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Fog Blog 2

I awakened to find the deep draw behind my house brimming with fog this morning. It was beautiful, and I couldn't help seeing it as something of a metaphor. Things I've been 'in the fog' about seem clearer these days.The weather is cold, and I am grateful to be snug...

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Friday Report

Sadie is in the dog house. She got hold of an old bag of Pupperoni that should have been thrown away long ago and gnawed her way into it during the night. I found the evidence this morning. 🙂 Good chance her weight will be up today! (And all the low cupboards are...

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Good Morning!

I'm feeling restored on this sunny fall morning. Nothing like a little sunshine to raise my spirits.Plans for today--"working" on the new book (this shouldn't really be called "work")--maybe putting a few touches on some paintings I've started. I've been using a lot...

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There’s a name for this kind of day…

Two of my favorite people, one my mother and one a long-dead writer, Gladys Tabor, who wrote wonderful books about a Connecticut farm called Stillmeadow, would call a rainy day like this one a "pencil-sharpening day". 🙂 I love it.For me, it will be a...

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Tap Dancing Again

Although I seem to have some kind of flu bug--no energy, coughing, aches and pains--I am feeling better about my life than I have in a long, long time.It's one thing to create drama in my stories. It's another to create drama in my life. My imagination is, to put it...

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Shopping on Etsy and Other Indulgences

While I have yet to work up the courage to offer one of my own paintings for sale, I have a growing collection of what I would describe as folk art, most of which I find on Etsy, or by clicking to see who is following whoever is following me (sheesh, that was a...

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A Great Time to be Me

I'm loving my life. True, it's not what everybody would want--there's a lot of stress and pressure, with so many critters and a payroll to meet. :)I love my daughter--she's amazing. (The rest of the family, too, of course!)I love my work.I love my dogs, cats and...

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As the Seasons Turn

Most of my deck garden has gone on to the compost bin, although the tomatoes are still hanging in there. I will miss my beautiful flowers, but I know the ground must rest and restore itself before producing next year's heart-stoppingly gorgeous blooms.There are a...

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