My Favorite Affirmation
Years ago, I discovered an affirmation in one of Norman Vincent Peale's books, and it transformed my life in so many ways. Of course, since it worked so well, I stopped doing it, and even forgot it.During the recent meltdown, I remembered it, and started using it...
New Hair, New Me
I'm late blogging today because I had a badly-needed hair appointment. My hair practically qualified as a federal disaster area, since I missed last month's visit due to rodeo, snow, and a personal Chernobyl. (I called the Transition White House to ask for government...
The Sadie Run
Today is Sadie's swimming/therapy day, and for the first week, until she's used to the drill, I go along to drop her off and pick her up again, which is why I'm so late writing this blog. I know, excuses, excuses! I continue to enjoy the respite from the snow--it's...
Fresh Starts
Good things come out of my journaling, as I've mentioned often on this blog. Today, I asked myself what it would be like to be a woman with no past. Not an amnesiac, of course--that isn't what I mean. I'm talking about REALLY letting the past go, not carrying all the...
Sadie’s Day Out
Sadie-beagle is starting her exercise program today--water aerobics! She's gotten a little porky over the past several years, as many of you know--and 'a little' is putting it mildly. She's a sociable little critter, though, and enjoys getting into the truck and going...
The Thaw Continues
It's sunny out, and the snow is melting away. Most of the roads are clear. Hallelujah!My stepmother tells me there is a nice ad in the February/March issue of "American Cowboy" for the Creed books! Now that's exciting--I'm picking up a copy today!I'm hitting the road...
In the Words of Dr. Phil…
Times are tough out there, but we can DO this.Collectively, we are the descendents of great people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and many more. As a student of American history, I can tell you that we have faced much, much greater...
Yes! It's been raining, and some of the snow has melted away. If it doesn't get too cold, we won't have ice.Someday, I'll be an old-timer, telling tall tales about the winter of ought-8. "The snow was SO deep, it was over the horses' heads" or "You could walk straight...
Snow for Sale
It's still dark, but I think there's more snow out there. :)Sadie is having some problems with arthritis and a stiff hind-leg, so I'm taking her to see the vet this morning. She's back on her diet--no more random treats, no more people food. She's adjusting, sweet...
Relief in Sight
We had another four or five inches of snow in the night, but there's light at the end of the tunnel (I hope it isn't an oncoming train), as we should get rain tomorrow and that will wash away a lot of this. By next weekend, it should be dry.I continue to take my meds,...
Diggin’ Out
The snow just keeps coming, but I'm learning to be more philosophical about it. 🙂 Talk about your control-freak--I've been trying to resist the weather. As if I could change it!Spokane had over five feet of snow, and that's just for December. I'm just getting to the...
Taking Hold
The support emails that have been coming in since yesterday's blog have really helped.Regarding smoking again, my brother Jerry said, "Remember, failure isn't failure unless you don't plan on trying again." Isn't that great?My sister Sally and her intrepid husband Jim...