Darn you, Martha Stewart!
Wasn't the glitter enough?? Now you have to come up with a fold-out journal made of watercolor paper that just BEGS to be collaged???Don't you know I have a book to write?Is this some dastardly international plot?:)Okay, I'm over it. I've vented.Back to work--the...
My Purple Passion
On top of the Martha Stewart glitter (yum!) and the sparkly gel pens I bought at Costco--primo--I have begun journaling with brightly colored ink. My favorite is PURPLE, and I intend to make a run to Michael's for a fresh supply AFTER I've finished my page quota for...
Another Cozy Day
I'm reading through the galleys of DYLAN today, and thinking of how I can't wait to share this second story in the Montana Creeds trilogy with you. Later, I'll be tackling TYLER again--the book, I mean, not Tyler himself, darn it--and I'm REALLY into that book. I'm...
Rainy Days and Mondays…
(Yes, I know it's Tuesday, but I'm taking some poetic license here.)Rainy days and Mondays (or Tuesdays) don't necessarily get me down, no matter what the song says. We had crashing thunder and flashes of lightning during the night--the kind of spectacular...
Martha Stewart Has Created a Monster!
And I am that monster!Saturday was a busy day--I wrote a chapter of TYLER, as I did Sunday and will again today. (I'm about a week from being finished--after a short, very short, breather, I will begin work on THE BRIDEGROOM, the next "Stone Creek" novel.)Since my...
Still Chasing Fireflies
My sister Sally and husband Jim--of Chicken-gate 08 fame--rode for home on their Harley this morning. I will miss them--they are easy houseguests. Sally and I have so many things in common--crafts, especially. It's Friday, and I'll be working over the weekend, but...
My Photo Printer
I am a total doofus when it comes to photography--my very accomplished friend, Cindy, showed me how to improve my pictures, and now I have become a fantatic. I'm behind this morning--I did the usual journaling, devotions, etc.--because I got to printing out copies of...
Chicken-gate 08
Well, the FIRST challenge was buying chicken to take to the Bleecker Cousins' Reunion, as Mom had volunteered me to provide lunch. 🙂 (I didn't mind being volunteered, but I would have liked to know how many people were going to be eating!)My sister Sally approached...
Tomorrow, I'll be joining some of my Montana cousins for a reunion at a lake near Spokane. I'm excited--I haven't seen some of these people in YEARS. Time just gets away from me, and it happens more and more, the older I get.Another cousin, Tracei, is having a kidney...
That's another of my mom's words. (She has her own language, Hazelese.)As you can see, I'm late getting this blog up. I slept in--and then journaled and painted for an hour or so to get going. The book, TYLER, is going very well. Writing it is a rugged experience,...
Life is What Happens…
When you've made other plans!Yesterday I miraculously managed to write almost an entire chapter--this with an emergency trip to Wal-Mart, overnight company, and 25 guests for dinner!--and today looked easy by comparison. No appointments. Just my book and me,...
What If…?
That's a question that sometimes keeps me up at night and, believe me, I can ill afford the loss of sleep, with all that's going on in my life this summer. Stress, stress and more stress! And the curious, truly peculiar thing is, none of it is bad!Deadlines. (This is...