A Getting-Ready Day
Sunshine! YES!!The peonies are blooming--big, fat pink blossoms. Most of my plants are too young to produce much, but every year, it gets better. My goal is to have a yard full of them, and carry the blossoms into the house by the armload. I cannot get enough...
Book Expo America (BEA)
I had a FABULOUS time in L.A.!!!Imagine the thrill I felt when I walked into the Harlequin booth at this massive, sprawling trade show, and saw LIFESIZE posters of my Creed cowboys, Logan, Dylan and Tyler. Honey, the word WOW just doesn't cover it! These guys are My...
Dazzling Sunrise
I saw it this morning--the sky ablaze with the beginnings of a fresh, new day--but not to worry. I had a good night's sleep, and I'm over the jet lag. As many of you know, getting up very early is normal behavior for me. Journal time. Quiet time with the dogs. And...
Isle of Flags
Yesterday, I drove to Grand Coulee, Washington, to attend the annual Memorial Day flag ceremony at the local cemetery, along with a significant number of family members, including my stepmother, Edith Lael, aunts Donna and Wanna, brother Jerry and wife Anna, and their...
It’s All Good
It seems my mind has finally crossed all those time zones to catch up with my body. 🙂 Whoop-de-do, I'm back in the saddle again. All systems GO!My good feeling about weighing in last night was right on--I lost 1.6 pounds, after two international flights, fish and...
Cleo and Me
Ok, I have jet lag, and what else could I do but go to the casino? You sit and drink coffee, mindlessly pushing a button, and watching the wheels spin. Imagine my surprise when the Queen of the Nile came through with a jackpot during the bonus round. :)Actually, I...
2:30 AM AGAIN!
Yeesh. I can't wait for this jet lag to get over! On the other hand, I had lots of quiet time to drink coffee and journal and do a background for a new collage I'm planning. I'm just not getting any work done. (Sorry, Joan. Next week, I promise!)Although the rain...
Hello, Wall
Well, I woke up at 2:30--AGAIN--and puttered with my art work for a while. Even the dogs were still asleep!I'm a seasoned world-traveler, but I've been out of the loop for a while, and I'd forgotten about jet-lag. Therefore, I was unprepared when it hit me like the...
Home Again and Up Early
I imagine yesterday's nine hour flight from London to Seattle, followed by picking up the (very heavy) bags after Customs and rechecking them for the flight home to Spokane, will catch up with me at some point! I literally FELL into bed last night, after a frenzied...
Heading on Home
They say the best part of any trip is coming home again, and I'm sure that's true. I'm definitely looking forward to: the critter greeting (Sadie gets so excited she can't contain herself; runs madly around kitchen and then sticks her head in the dogbed to muffle her...
Portobello Road
Sally and I were up and ready to go early this morning--destination: Portobello Road! The weather is a bit drizzly today; as in, very Londonish. We caught a cab to the famous street market and did we ever find treasures. Cigarette cards, which I intend to use as ATCs....
Rainy Day in London
Paris was--Paris. We had beautiful weather, and saw all the important sites. We lunched at the requisite sidewalk cafe, rode buses and cabs all over the city, and bought souvenirs. We sent post cards--Sally hiked what seemed like miles to find a post office. (She's...