Those McKettricks
I wrote 47 pages yesterday!47!!!Jesse and Cheyenne are on a real roll. I just go along for the ride!Tomorrow, I expect to bring "McKettrick's Luck" in for a landing. On Thursday, I will be leaving for Dallas, and my gig at the Dreamin' in Dallas conference. I'm...
The Best Laid Plans
I didn't make it to the Four Seasons concert. Oh, I was there at the casino, playing a slot machine, with my ticket tucked safely in my purse. Then the call came from home--Sadie-beagle was all swollen up, and covered with hives. I rushed home, and niece-assistant Jen...
The Four Seasons
Tonight, I get to hear one of my all time favorite bands, in person. The Four Seasons!Whoop-de-do!Make it a good weekend.
More Good News!
The good news just keeps on coming!First, the decision to keep Springwater Station.Then, word came that my book, "The Last Chance Cafe", is to be made into a Lifetime movie, starring Kevin Sorbo!And now "McKettrick's Choice" has hit #15 on the New York Times list.As...
Hang That Springwater Station Sign Back Over the Gate!
I'm keeping Springwater Station, my Arizona place, at least for the foreseeable future--and unless I get an offer I simply can't refuse!I love Washington. It's home. Every day, I drink in the sight of my pine trees like ambrosia. But part of my heart remains in...
Oh, Those McKettricks
I counted up the other day, and by the time I finish, there will be nine McKettrick books!It all began with "High Country Bride", Rafe and Emmeline's story.Kade and Mandy followed with "Shotgun Bride".Jeb and Chloe starred in "Secondhand Bride".Holt and Lorelei,...
Fletcher’s Woman
"Fletcher's Woman" was my very first published book. Pocket released it in August of 1983 as part of their Tapestry line. I will never forget the thrill of holding that cover proof in my hands for the first time, seeing MY name and the title in raised letters.The...
This is what one of my favorite authors, Gladys Tabor, used to call a "pencil-sharpening" day. Today, I am especially tired, so I will putter and watch TV and play Slingo on my computer.Have a happy weekend.Be blessed.
The Snow is Gone
And to look out this window, you'd think it was high summer. It's so sunny, though I know from letting the dogs out that there's a nip in the air. We do have our overcast days here in Spokane, of course, and those tend to make me yearn for Arizona.I'm gearing up to...
I rarely sleep past sunrise--I'm just made that way. But after a long flight back from Philadelphia--I hit Cleveland and Phoenix before finally landing in Spokane well after 10 pm--I was zapped. Crowds. The inevitable delays. Not to mention airport security. The dogs...
The Good News Just Keeps On Comin’!
"McKettrick's Choice" has gone back to press!Thanks to one and all of you.Have a happy weekend. Practice being nice to yourself.
"McKettrick's Choice", paperback version, is #19 on both the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists!! This cowgirl is riding in circles and waving her hat in the air, yelling, "Yipee!"It is a beautiful day here. We had snow last night, and today the sun is out,...