Happy Valentine’s Day!
Before we get into the day of hearts and flowers, I'll announce this week's winners. (What? It's not Monday?) Congratulations to: Joann Quijada and Shelley Anderson. If you didn't win, keep trying--comment and you're entered. As always, the winners will be chosen at...
An Old Favorite
Today, when I wasn't writing, I was listening to an old favorite book of mine, "The Girl of the Limberlost", by Gene Stratton-Porter. I first read this book when I was very young, and I loved it dearly. When it came up on Audible, I downloaded it, and I'm enjoying...
New Book Day and Why I Love Words
Tuesday is the day new books go on sale, whether audio, digital, or in print. Little wonder, with my hunger for books, books and more books, that it's my favorite. (Well, okay, tied with the other six, which all have engaging qualities of their own.) I mostly buy...
Let It Snow
After all, it will anyway! This week's winners are Barbara Callahan and Sandy. Congratulations to both of you. Each week, two winners are chosen at random from the comments, Each will be notified by Super Jen, announced on the blog, and presented with autographed...
Dreaming of Spring
Our winners are: Marcia White and Edna Dutra. Congratulations, ladies. You will each receive an autographed book very soon. As always, there are is a new contest underway now. The rules, for those of you who are new to the blog, are as follows: simply comment, and...
Just a Chat
Someone asked if I'd read the book, THE KILLER ANGELS. The answer is: YES. In fact, my good friend, actor/artist Buck Taylor, appeared in the movie, GETTYSBURG, which was based on Michael Shaara's Pulitzer prize winning novel. I'm heading back to my favorite town...
Back to the Blog
First, this week's winners: Janet Hurt and Bonnie Kewitsch. Each will receive an autographed book from yours truly. There is also a new contest running; as usual, all you need to do is comment, and you're entered. Two winners will be chosen at random, notified, and...
Snow? What snow? (And other stuff)
Oh, THAT snow! It's everywhere I look, deep and glittering in today's welcome gift of sunshine. Born in Spokane and raised 120 miles north, in--well--Northport, you'd think I'd be used to the white stuff. However, after living in Arizona for 8 years, and on the...
Losing Button
I adopted my long-haired gray cat, Button, last year, after the death of his original owner, now affectionately referred to in the Triple L family as First Mama. He was twenty years old when he came to bide a while with this outfit, and frankly, I didn't expect him...
Moderation, moderation, moderation
This week, doing my modified Paleo, I lost two pounds. (I still attend Weight Watchers faithfully, even though I've gone rogue where what I eat is concerned.) Naturally, I'm pleased--but I feel compelled to stress the word 'modified' here. In my opinion, 100...
Winners and an Update
First order of business, announcing our winners, who will each receive an autographed book by yours truly. This week, they are Brenda LaFone and Doris M. Ellis. Congratulations, both of you. For those of you who are new to the blog (welcome), the contest runs every...
A Brand New Year
May 2017 be your happiest, healthiest year yet--exceeded only by 2018 and the years beyond. Last night, I waded through 8 inches of unplowed snow to spend a delightful evening with my neighbors, Bill and Julie. I should have taken the truck, but I didn't even...