Back among the living—I think :)

What a week!  Truth to tell, I spent much of it in my pajamas, recovering from all the fun and excitement of the trip to New York, plus various (thankfully minor) dramatic events.  I did a Facebook chat with the marvelous Nicki Boyle over on the Linda Lael Miller Fan...

The Case of the Missing Blogger

I’m BACK from New York and, while I had a fabulous time there, as always, I’m delighted to be home.  I’m worn out and have some kind of bug, but eager to get back to my writing and my regular life. What all did we do?  It will take a week to catch...

Holy smokes, it’s already Thursday????

It’s almost time to head out for the Big Apple.  Amazing.  The way time works, I’ll be back home in a nanosecond, asking myself how the trip could possibly be over already.  🙂 Summer has finally arrived, it would seem.  We’re having hot weather and...

What a writing day!

I was really in the swing yesterday, writing and writing and loving every minute of it.  This Parable crew is a lively bunch! I’m leaving for New York this Sunday, taking a little vacation, and visiting the Big Apple is always a treat.  It will be hot but, what...

My Fourth

I spent the night at the lake house, with the kids, and Bernice came along for the ride.  We feasted on barbecue prepared by my future son-in-law, Jeremy, and talked and talked.  They’ve been living in California for so long, we have some catching up to do.  🙂...

Rising and Shining (Or doing my best to shine, anyhow)

I love it when I wake up early–that way, I have a few hours to putter, drink coffee, feed indoor critters, listen to the Daily Audio Bible on my iPod and write this blog without feeling rushed.  Ideally, I’m at my computer by nine a.m., that being when I...

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