Friday’s Blog on Monday

This week’s winners are: Judy Coates and Ann Diener.  Congratulations!  A brand new go-round is underway as of now, so be sure to comment if you want to be entered for next Monday’s prize. Now for the blog I actually wrote on Friday, and didn’t get...

In a good place

I woke up early this morning, even for me, so there is probably an afternoon nap in my future.  🙂  That said, I enjoyed my morning devotions and prayer time very much, and the ambience was wonderful–candles glowing, coffee brewing, pets still sound asleep.  I...

A brief report

Down 1.2 pounds at Weight Watchers today–excellent meeting!  If you’re in WW, or thinking of joining, be sure to find a group you enjoy, because that makes all the difference.  On one of my previous attempts, I didn’t connect with the leader very...

A small retraction :)

Per my dear friend, Pastor Jean Barrington, who would certainly know, I goofed on my earlier entry, referring to January 6 (today) as the 12th Day of Christmas.  Turns out, it’s the day after the 12th–so I’m celebrating the 13th Day of Christmas, I...


Today, of course, is the 12th day of Christmas, also know as Epiphany.  This morning, before sunrise, I read the last entry in my special Advent devotional and lit the four candles–almost time to put the holder and other accessories aside–for the next to...

Deep Breath, Part 2

So far, so good.  🙂  On New Year’s Eve, I put twelve white votive candles on a circular mirrored plate, one for each month of 2015.  A large center candle, also white, stood in the center, welcoming the coming year as a whole, and still another white candle...

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