Fridge-Magnet Wisdom and assorted ramblings

I’ve been thinking about refrigerator magnets lately.  (Don’t ask why, because I have no idea.) Still, one can tell a great deal about a person, I think, by studying the various items affixed to their refrigerator door.  The most obvious example:...

Home again, home again, jiggety jog

Well, my friends, the trip to Boonsboro, Maryland, and the fabled Turn the Page Book Store, was just plain magical.  Jenni and I flew out of Spokane early (very early) on Friday morning, stopping briefly in Salt Lake City before jetting on to a landing at...

Part 2 or until the glitch, whichever comes first

Moving on from yesterday’s blog: What I’m reading, in actual print: A wonderful new memoir called WITH OR WITHOUT YOU, by Domenica Ruta.  Reviewers have compared this book to one of my absolute, all-time favorites, THE GLASS CASTLE, by Jeanette Walls, and...

Whoopee, it’s Monday! (No, I’m not kidding.)

I love me a Monday.  A whole lovely week ahead, like a blank sheet of paper, or a fresh canvas, or a book I know I’m going to love but haven’t started yet…or…. Well, you get the idea.  I do enjoy a beginning.  🙂  (As long as it’s the...

It’s Friday again? You’re kidding me….

Where do the days go???  Five minutes ago, it was Monday! I had the BEST writing day yesterday–really made some progress.  I plan to write today and take the weekend off to do crafts, watch videos on, among other sites, and listen to at least one...

Today’s news from the Triple L (so far)

I got up early today, in order to have plenty of time for my spiritual practice and still get in some hefty chunks of writing time.  I lit candles–I love the mood candlelight creates, especially when it’s dark out–a sort of cozy reverence that...

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