
I TRIED to blog the whole time I was in California, and every day after that–and Word Press would not let me on the site.  Frustration city!  Evidently, somebody tried to hack this page, but for now, the problems have been dealt with.  YES!  (I have Jen and the...

Oops! and other stream of consciousness stuff….

I made a mistake when crediting the author of “The Wrong Girl”–the book was written by Hank Phillippi Ryan, not Ms. French.  I have another of her novels on my iPod, hence the confusion.  Writing a book is hard work, obviously, and the writer...

‘Bout time I showed up!

Sorry for being M.I.A. on Friday–too many things to do, and not enough time to do them.  🙂 LAST week’s winners are: Judy Eagle and Barbara Murcray–and a new go ’round starts today.  Just comment, that’s all you have to do.  Two...

Serendipity and more ramblings

Yesterday was one of those magical days, where the most remarkable things happen. Visiting Chico’s, hoping to buy an outfit for an upcoming party, I met a woman named Beverly–and she can only be described as a kindred soul.  While discussing sizes, I...

Challenging myself

I did it.  I signed up for a Rosetta Stone language course, the kind you do online.  I’ll be using my ever-more-beloved mini-iPad, most of the time, along with a little micro-phone dealie to practice my… Italiano. Truth to tell, I speak just a smidge of...

Monday Ramblings

Autumn is my favorite time of year, as I’ve said before–I love the ‘new beginning’ feel of it (doubtless a holdover from school days), the changing colors of the leaves, the (mostly) sunny weather and the crisp breezes and the sugar-bowl-blue...

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