The Case of the Vanishing Week

They say time flies when you’re having fun–well, it ALSO flies when you’re coping with minor health issues and Murphy’s Law Unchained.  🙂  We are still enjoying fantastic weather, and as I write this, in my new office, I can look out and see...

And the beat goes on….

I seem to be in the mood to quote songs today. It is SO beautiful and sunny out, and the tulips and daffodils are frolicking in celebration.  Yorkie-Bernice got a much needed bath, since it’s warm outside, and this morning,  Larry the Canadian Wrangler found a...

Where do the mermaids stand?

Today’s blog title comes from a story told by Robert Fulghum, the author of “Everything I Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten”, and I think a lot of us may identify with it.  It seems Mr. Fulghum and some assistants were casting a Christmas...

Off to Point Roberts

I’ll be in Point Roberts, visiting a friend and doing a workshop to raise money for the Point Roberts library.    I need this small vacation very much, and I will try to blog at least once while I’m away.

Murphy’s Law Runs Amok

🙂 When everything that can go wrong DOES go wrong, all I can do is say, “Thank You, God  .” The bathtub situation seems to be under control–and now the hot water heater has gone out.  I’ve decided to be grateful for that, too.  🙂  I mean,...

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