Abraham Lincoln once said that most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. I guess the simplest stuff is the easiest to forget.
I’ve had a lot of great experiences in my life–and there are more to come. Still, I get the most joy from the simple things–the company of my beloved dogs, cats and horses–a book, painting or recipe that works–talking shop with my writer-daughter, Wendy, witnessing a comeback, like the one Whitney Houston is making on Good Morning, America even as I write this. A voice like that one should never be silenced.
I’m trying a new (for me) recipe, and it’s quite a process. It’s white bread, from a Paula Deen cookbook–I haven’t made bread from scratch in YEARS. It begins with a starter, that sits at room temperature for 24 hours, and then for another 12, before I can even start the kneading and rising process, let alone the baking. Look for a picture of the finished product on my Twitter page in a couple of days. 🙂 Lately, I’ve been posting dog pictures and flowers from my garden. I cut some zinnias today that are so beautiful, I almost can’t stand it.
Sister Sally, the non-nun, pointed out that I gave the wrong title for the wonderful Julia Cameron book I mentioned yesterday, and I corrected it on that post, but I want to repeat it. This is an important book and if you’re struggling spiritually, or you know someone who is, you need to read it: “Faith and Will-Weathering the Storms in Our Spiritual Lives.”
Books. Flowers. Cats sleeping in the sunshine.
It’s the simple things, gang.