I guess our alotted week of summer isn’t up after all. 🙂
The weekend was quiet; I mostly puttered, watering plants, reading, listening to “The Churchills in Love and War”–and watching art videos. I finished the cards for a very challenging artist trading card swap–I came to wish that I hadn’t signed up in the first place–but in the end I was pleased with the cards, so there you go.
I will be writing today, of course.
On the 25th, this past Saturday, I did a chat on Facebook’s Linda Lael Miller Fan Club (blush) page–it was a lovely discussion and I had lots of fun. Then, ten minutes before the chat was supposed to end, the cyber-gods turned against me and Facebook blocked any further posts, claiming that I might be ‘engaging in abusive behavior’. Right. Anyway, I can see why they’d make a rule like that–I was posting fast and furious to keep up with the questions, so it might have looked (to a computer program) like an argument or any angry diabtribe. 🙂 Fortunately, I was able to alert both Nicki Boyle, who runs the club (thank you, Nicki) and Nancy Berland, my friend and PR person, via private email. They made my apologies for me. I can’t wait for the next Facebook chat–hopefully, we’ll be able to square things with the powers that be at Facebook ahead of time.
My peonies are finally blooming! There aren’t as many as usual, give the late spring, but I’ll take what I can get. 🙂
Getting Sadie-beagle to take her pills pracitcally calls for a sumo wrestler, but we get it done. Nowhere does the term ‘get it done’ apply more than in the country life.
That, my friends, is the news, written on my new laptop, at my old kitchen table.