Day 18, Barcelona

Another sleep-in day. And I was alarmed to see what the aliens had done to my hair when I looked in the mirror for the first time after waking. :)Today–well, who knows? I think we’ll try to find Mail Boxes Etc. first thing, so we can mail home our loot....

Day 17

Photo from atop the Catedral de Barcelona. We explored the magnificent structure nearest our hotel and also did some shopping. It was pizza for supper, in the room–and we had KFC for lunch. Guess you could say we’re getting homesick. 🙂

Sunday, Day 16, in review

We were SO tired on Sunday, after our visit to Montserrat and Sitges. We banned alarm-clock setting and slept until we felt like getting up, which was very, very late. I mean, I walked to La Rambla and had my breakfast/lunch at two-thirty, which is unheard of for me....

Prayer Candles

I took this picture at Montserrat–and, yes, I lit a candle and offered a prayer. So did Sally. The place inspires such reverence.

Montserrat (Day 15)

This is the facade of the basilica at Montserrat–so far, this ancient monastery has been our favorite stop. As I snapped this shot in the courtyard, the cathedral bells were ringing, echoing all around us.Montserrat is the home of the famous Black Virgin; we...

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