Afternoon blog

I got right into the book this morning, and I was busy all day long, so I’m just now sitting down to blog. Someone asked about my new schedule: I work four days, and take three to refill the creative well, resting, reading, doing art work, cooking and,...


Wonderful weekend!  I cooked a pork roast yesterday, and Wendy and Jeremy and Jen all came to have supper with me.  Wendy and Jeremy brought 4 pumpkins, one for each of us, and we carved jack-o-lanterns, making a glorious mess and completely confounding Bernice.  🙂 ...

I did it!

I met my writing quota for the week–four chapters!–and now I’m going to PLAY, nonstop, for three whole days!  YEEHAW!! Loving your comments–please insert your full name somewhere in your message, as we had some confusion last time, with two...

It seems to me…

…that writing a book is a brave thing to do.  I’ve been realizing lately that whatever I put my characters through, I go through as well.  All the “Big Sky” books are as honest as I can make them, and it can be painful to reveal so much about...

The winners are…

Crystal, Maggie Arnold, and Sam.  Please send your snail mail addresses to me at [email protected], and I’ll send each of you a signed book. I had such a good writing day yesterday–Casey and Walker both amaze me continually–and I’m looking forward...

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