What happens in Vegas…

stays on Facebook, according to a t-shirt I saw on my recent trip.  🙂  Vegas does seem to cast some kind of spell over a person–I ended up getting my ears re-pierced, and I actually considered a tattoo.  (A small one.)  Whatever my beliefs...

Home on the Range

Yorkie Bernice has been a little gimpy since the weather turned cold, so we hauled her to the vet yesterday.  (Fortunately, at 12 pounds, she’s an easy-loader.)  She’s on medicine and lo and behold, she’s already better, which is a weight...

Home Alone

Except, of course, for the three fur faces.  Bernice the Yorkie threw a one-dog party when I came home, but the cats were only mildly interested.  Return of the human can-opener, etc.  :)As you’ve probably noticed, blogging proved very difficult...

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