It’s ACTUALLY Monday. What a concept!

Believe it or not, I’m here, on a Monday, and ready to announce this week’s winners!  They are: June (no last name) and Sue Gosland.  Both June and Sue will receive an autographed copy of ONCE A RANCHER.  As of today, the new round is underway–to...

Let’s Pretend It’s Monday

Or not.  🙂  I spent Monday recovering from Sunday, which was a lovely if very busy Mother’s Day.  Wendy, Jeremy and I visited Mom at her new place; she’s in assisted living and very happy there.  Honestly, the place is marvelous, resembling a good hotel in...

Stuff and, perhaps, nonsense

I’m glad to report I did well at Weight Watchers yesterday–down 2.6 pounds.  I’m back on what used to be called Simply Filling, and doing well.  For a while there, I really slacked off and, of course, I began to gain weight again.  Yikes!  For a long...

Winners and Other News

This week’s winners in the contest are: Carrie M. Schlawin and Susan Mae Lincoln.  Congratulations, both of you.  As for everyone else, please comment to enter the current round.  That’s all you need to do; two winners will be selected at random, and each...

Where have I BEEN?

So many places! First, my apologies for the long silence.  As you know, Mom recently moved into assisted living, and there was a lot involved, even though I must admit my sibs, Jerry, Sally and Pam, have done most of the work.  Mom’s a collector, and she has...

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