blogs & news

Cozy Day

We're enjoying (yes, enjoying) a rainy Friday morning here in Spokane. It's a light the fire, put on a kettle of soup kind of day. Even better, it's a writing day--the very best kind of day there is. I am so into "Austin", I can hardly wait to have my breakfast, get...

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Yee-Haw AGAIN!

"Tate" is #5 on the New York Times bestseller list and #2 on the USA Today list!YES!!Writing this book was such a challenge; there were times, as many of you will recall, when I thought I'd never be done with it. It's so gratifying to see "my boy" Tate out there...

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Catching My Breath

Three radio interviews this morning, and the first one was at 5:30. I enjoyed them all, since I'm a real ham, but I figure the folks in Blue River are starting to wonder where I am.When I last saw Paige Remington and Austin McKettrick, they were standing toe to toe in...

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Ground Hog Day

Six more weeks of winter? Well, there you go. The rodent has spoken--and there's no way I'm going to attempt to spell his name. 🙂 I hesitate to tempt fate, but so far we've enjoyed a mild winter here in Spokane--in January, there were a number of sunny days, pretty...

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Monday Rambles

I wrote all weekend, and it bears saying that while I did not write rapidly, I did write well. Each of the Texas McKettrick stories has touched me in a deep and particular way. I become totally engaged with every book I write, of course; it's almost impossible not to,...

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Friday? Really???

Is it just me, or is it always Friday?This week has been an exciting one, with the release of "Tate", the first story in the new McKettricks of Texas trilogy, and a challenging one, as well. So many terrific things are happening--my self-conferred new name,...

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Mixed Bag

We're on a good-weather roll here in Spokane. The sun is summer-bright this morning--hard to believe this is January.I was feeling rocky yesterday, but I'm better today. At least, I was, until I tuned in to the news. It's usually my policy to stay silent on most...

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Good Intentions

I had such good intentions yesterday. I did a radio interview, journaled, planned to work on my new book. Instead, I ran smack into a wall labeled 'flu' and ended up going back to bed for several hours. (Actually, my friend/agent, Irene Goodman, sent me there, since I...

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Tate McKettrick

I posted this picture of one of my ATCs just for fun. Today is the day! "Tate", the first book in my new Texas McKettricks series, is out now, even as we speak. I am thrilled.There's lots of great fuss around this book, too. Check out my Q&A and the video on MSN's...

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The Perfect Snowfall

Fat, fluffy flakes, drifting down from a gray-weighted sky....gracing the ground...And melting away later in the day. :)Perfect.This is the perfect day.Perfect for writing a chapter of "Austin".Perfect for brewing up a pot of soup.Perfect for knitting another panel of...

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Here in My Ivory Tower

I apologize for the lateness of this blog--these days I seem to be moving at a snail's pace in just about every area of my life. And even though I would like things to be otherwise, I am determined to be grateful. I'm really into "Austin", the new book, and have...

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