blogs & news

Triple L Update

Wouldn't you know---the Canadian Wrangler (aka Larry) took a header and cracked a rib.  Unfortunately, there isn't much available in the way of treatment--it's rest-and-suffer, I guess.  (The way things have been going on this spread, I'm thinking of sending out a...

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Weight Watchers Report and other normal stuff

After a gain of 1.6 last week, I'm happy to say I lost 3.2 this week, hitting a major milestone in the process.  I'm down 50 pounds even!  YES! I got up very early this morning and began working--finally--on the new book.  I spent nearly two hours working on the first...

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Since last we met….

A great deal has happened, some of it good, some of it not so much. On the morning of my birthday (June 10), a good friend passed away.  Of course we were and are saddened by the loss, but there are is comfort in knowing he is at peace now, no longer suffering and...

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And yet there is joy…

I realized it--again--this morning, while chatting with the Big Guy.  I say "again" because, while the awareness is always there, it is often submerged in the fuss and flurry of everyday life.  To paraphrase Albert Camus (since the exact wording of the quote escapes...

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OK. I’m pretty sure I’m back for real this time….

This blog entry will probably be something of a hodgepodge, so I hope you'll bear with me.  So much has happened over the last few weeks, and I must admit, I'm still reeling a little.  Last week's prize winners are Linda Lattin and Shirley Meyle.  My sincerest...

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That was the week that was….

My beloved cat, Cha Cha, passed away suddenly from an undiagnosed case of diabetes, the day after we lost Aunt Billie.  She was 12 years old and one of my dearest companions.  I was with her at the end, petting her and telling her everything would be okay, when she...

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And the beat goes on…

Well, our baby boy was born this morning.  We don't know much more as yet, but we're optimistic.  Our theory is that the little guy is a future President, and thus eager to get here, grow up, graduate from college and law school, and take up residence in the White...

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An overdue update

I'm really late this time, but I'm pretty sure you'll forgive me when you find out why. My aunt, Billie Wiley, was in a serious auto accident on Thursday, and she's in intensive care.  Please pray for her. While you're at it, I hope you'll lift up my niece, Angela,...

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Happy Birthday, Sally Lang

Sally Jean, I love you. Today was Weight Watchers day, and I was down two more pounds!  This brings my total to 45--those little losses, week after week, month after month, definitely add up.  🙂  I am very grateful, of course, not just for the program and my success...

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Thank heavens Jen will be back to work soon!  As Gloria pointed out, I did forget to announce last week's winners.  I'll have to check and post the names tomorrow. I fully intended to begin my new book today, but the fates were evidently against me.  I switched on my...

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Pyramid Report and Other Stuff

DARNED IF THIS COMPUTER DIDN'T MESS UP AGAIN. This morning I got to try out my meditation pyramid for about 20 minutes, and it was....wonderful.  I am sensitive to energy, and I experienced a level of relaxation and peace, for sure.  In fact, I wanted to stay right...

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Down a size! And other ordinary blessings

YES.  Today I am wearing jeans one size smaller than the ones I was so happy to get back into, earlier in my Weight Watchers journey.  (I'm committed to eating in this healthy way forever, so there's no finish-line.)  I'm skipping the meeting today--something I almost...

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