Glory be, more sunshine!

Who knows how long this lovely weather will last, this being spring and therefore a most unpredictable season, but I’m enjoying every moment of it.  Yesterday, we had rain and guess what?  That was nice, too.  🙂 It’s time to plant some zinnias in my indoor...

My Wonderful Weekend

I had a FABULOUS weekend.  Saturday was beautiful all day long.  Bernice and I made our pilgrimage to the barn and I listened to a book on my iPod while she explored every nook and corner.  That done, armed with GPS on my cell phone, I headed out for the Kootenai...

O, what a beautiful morning…

The soundtrack from “Oklahoma” is running through my head today–the sky is a brilliant blue, the sun shining fit to draw the flowers right up out of the ground, already blooming.  YES.  It’s my kind of day.  🙂 Today is a writing day, and...

Sorry About Yesterday

I was so into drafting the new book that I never got around to writing this blog, though I thought of it a few times.  🙂 Bernice is just back from her much-anticipated visit to the barn, which is referred to in her Yorkieship’s presence as the B.A.R.N.  We also...

Easter Monday

It’s quiet around here today, and that’s good.  I’m starting a new book, and quiet is an important element in the process.  🙂 I hope you had a lovely and sacred Easter–mine was the stay-at-home and rest kind.  I did make a quick trip to the...

My Friend Katie

My childhood friend, Katie Cremer Johnson, passed away recently, way too soon. Katie was one of the most spirited and vivacious people I’ve ever known, full of fun, laughter and mischief.  In high school, she once wore a teacher’s shoes around all day. ...

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