And now it’s Friday…

Mercy.  Friday?  Already?  It doesn’t seem possible. This week’s winners are Cassandra and Dawn Roberts.  Congratulations, both of you.  By now, you’ve received an email from Super-Jen, and as soon as we have your details, your prizes will be on the...

A clog in the blog

🙂 I hope none of you have been worrying about me, since I’ve been away from the blog–I am simply putting all my energy into finishing THE MARRIAGE PACT.  I LOVE this book.  Today was Weight Watchers day, but I skipped the meeting to write.  I’m still...

What happened to Monday?

I had the best of intentions, but you know what they say about good intentions.  🙂  I was mainly caught up in the current project, THE MARRIAGE PACT, which will be followed by a special Christmas title (brand new) for this year, and we had the usual number of...

It’s been a rocky week for getting online :)

I’m grabbing my chance to blog while I can–it’s been a wild ride, between switching servers and dicey connections in general.  Oh, well, at least I finally showed up.  🙂 This week’s winners are Lyla Pedersen and Anita C.  Congratulations,...

Hello? Can you hear me now?

For whatever reason, I couldn’t get onto this blog yesterday, but I think I remember Jenni passing on the news that the website was being shifted to another server, so maybe that’s it.  In any case, here I am, ready to rock n’ roll!  I’m...

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