More Answers…

Thank you for your prayers and concern for my mom–I’m happy to report she’s home again, and almost back to normal. What I’m planning to write next: Well, now, I’m doing a proposal for the Civil War book at the moment, and it’s the...

Questions, questions, questions :) (Thank you)

First, the Weight Watchers update.  I’m still stuck in the same old range, so I decided to switch from the Simply Filling plan to the Points system for a while, and I’ve gotten back into exercise, too.  Now, to answer as many of your questions as I...

The Writing is on the Wall

🙂 I mean the vinyl writing.  I bought several of those quotes that stick on the wall and look as though they’re actually painted on the surface.  Lots of fun. Over my bathtub: “When in doubt, take a bath.”  Mae West. In my office: “Everyone is...

Long Time No Blog

Sorry about that.  I won’t bore you with the reasons, as they are all mundane and pretty much the stuff we all have to deal with from time to time. First order of business: This week’s contest winners are JULIE WATSON and TAMMY RAGLE.  Congratulations,...

That was the week that was…

And WHAT a week.  My mom came down with a case of the flu and wound up in the ER on Thursday–they treated her and released her to come home with me.  It’s been good having her here–I can think of better ways to spend time together, though–and...

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