blogs & news

And now it’s Friday…

Mercy.  Friday?  Already?  It doesn't seem possible. This week's winners are Cassandra and Dawn Roberts.  Congratulations, both of you.  By now, you've received an email from Super-Jen, and as soon as we have your details, your prizes will be on the way.  The new...

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The view from Wednesday morning….

The day ahead looks pretty promising, actually.  🙂  I will be missing Weight Watchers this week, though I'm sticking to the program for sure.  I'm so close to finishing the book I've begun to refer to as "The Never-ending Story" that I just can't leave my office....

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Beware the bug!

It seems that just when I think I'm finally over this flu-bug, it "flats" me again--"flats" being a term we used around here, back in the day, to describe the way Bernice, the Yorkie, used to just press one of the kitties to the floor, for no apparent reason. ...

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Weight Watchers Day

After missing two meetings, I finally got to one today--the bad news/good news is, I'm up 1.4 pounds.  (It's bad news because I gained instead of lost, and good news because it could have been worse! 🙂  )  Plus, I felt well enough to go out in the first place, which...

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Back Among the Living….mostly

Wow.  Do whatever you can to avoid getting this bug, whatever it is.  I'm finally able to write again--after days (and nights) of ups and downs.  To the blog-reader who suggested putting Vicks on the soles of my feet and wearing socks, THANK YOU.  There was no...

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Determined to blog 🙂

This is one wicked cold--the worst one I can remember, in fact, but it's hard to keep a cowgirl down--(completely down, anyway)--so I'm writing this in bed, on my laptop.  I have the usual symptoms--coughing, etc.--but the predominant one seems to be simple fatigue.  ...

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Terrible cold!

I'm alive and hanging in there, but off the blog for a few more days I fear.  Taking Colloidal Silver and hoping for the best.  🙂 Prayers appreciated!

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Happy Birthday, Mom and Jerry!

There will be celebration.  🙂  Mom is Hazel Bleecker Lael, and Jerry Lael is my favorite (and only) brother.  I love you both. On to a new topic: Today, after listening to the Daily Audio Bible (.com) as is my habit, the usual prayer call-ins from...

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A clog in the blog

🙂 I hope none of you have been worrying about me, since I've been away from the blog--I am simply putting all my energy into finishing THE MARRIAGE PACT.  I LOVE this book.  Today was Weight Watchers day, but I skipped the meeting to write.  I'm still following the...

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Another belated blog….

I spent the entire day writing, except for a long and fascinating conversation with my new editor, Paula Ekelhoff.   May I say, she is a remarkable woman?  🙂  She recommended several books, which I am currently downloading: "In the Garden of Beasts" by Erik Larson,...

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Belated Blog

First, here are last week's contest winners: Judy Cooper and Midge Watkins.  Congratulations, ladies!   I'm doing well on my Simply Filling plan, via Weight Watchers--where has this been all my life?? 🙂  I LOVE it!  I never, ever feel deprived, and my cravings...

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My Favorite Breakfast–and other remarks

I am so loving Weight Watchers' Simply Filling Plan--just this morning, for instance, I enjoyed my very favorite meal--hash browns cooked in a nonstick pan, with the prescribed two tsps of olive oil (or, as Rachel Ray famously calls it, E.V.O.O.) and two eggs poached...

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