blogs & news

Another Beautiful Autumn Day

This lovely, lovely weather is so heartening for me.  I just love it.  (I'm working on learning to love snow, too, as the TV people say this is a la Nina year.)  ๐Ÿ™‚  Today, though, I'm in the moment--recent losses have reminded me how precious NOW...

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Sunshine on My Shoulder

Today is a spectacularly beautiful fall day--every pine needle for miles shimmers with golden light, and the sky is sugar-bowl blue.  There are a few leafy trees on the property and they are ablaze with the fire of autumn colors like crimson and gold.  No...

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Mary Ann's little dog, Fergie, died unexpectedly yesterday afternoon, and we are all feeling pretty sad.  She was a sweet little buff-colored mutt, and adored Mary Ann, who adored her right back.  They were always together, sidekicks.  Every morning...

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This Wednesday Morning…

Is starting out with overcast skies, and that delicious autumn snap is in the air.  Downstairs, my craft room/studio is undergoing an amazing transformation, due to the Dynamic Duo, Debbie and Nicole.  ๐Ÿ™‚  Incredible!Nicole grew up with my daughter,...

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Hurricane Deb is on the job!

Debbie arrived yesterday morning, and already she's going through my craft room like a whirling dervish.  ๐Ÿ™‚ Her daughter, Nicole, arrives tonight, and then there will be two hurricanes downstairs.Me?  I'm working on the new book.  The first chapter is...

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Blue Jeans Weekend!

This past weekend, for the first time in longer than I care to remember, I wore blue jeans!  YES.  A cowgirl is always most comfortable in demin.  :)Debbie K--also known as Hurricane Deb--has struck land.  She's been my friend for many, many years,...

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Debbie K to the Rescue!

My long time friend and the most organized person I have ever known will be arriving soon, along with her equally industrious daughter, Nicole, to--wait for it--put my craft room/art studio in something remotely resembling order!  YES.  It's going to...

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The Turtle Plods Along

I feel a little like that turtle in the famous race with the rabbit--just plodding along steadily, while the rabbit runs circles around me.  ๐Ÿ™‚  7 weeks on BistroMD and I am down a shade under 20 pounds (insert a resounding yeehaw here) which is good when...

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I’m Being Published!

OK, I have published over 100 books--I only know this because Romance Writers of America sent me their Centennial Award, a beautiful plaque--so publishing shouldn't be anything really new to me, should it?  YES.  Because this time it's my art--my artist...

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Sunshine Aplenty

The sun is shining brilliantly today--and I'm soaking it in.  Yes, there are fringes of clouds, and the weatherman warns that the glow won't last, but I'm making the most of it while it's here.  :)I'm doing the outline for "Big Sky Mountain", Hutch and...

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