The journey continues…
Well, ladies and gentlemen, there's another week under our belts, so to speak. The book is nearly finished, I've been riding my exercise bike faithfully (thank heaven for the cushy new bike seat that makes the process a lot more comfortable), and doing a very easy...
Today’s experiment
Today I decided to tackle my writing quota first, before I did pretty much anything else, and guess what? It was a major success! Yes, it took a while, but I got SO MUCH done, even after a late night and sleeping in for a few extra hours. Hence, the late blog. 🙂 ...
Happy Birthday, Wendy Diane
February 6, 19-- was the greatest day of my life, because daughter Wendy was born. She came into the world squawling and a touch on the blue side, in a hospital in Klamath Falls, Oregon, and she's been the best thing that ever happened to me, people-wise, since that...
It seems to me….
That some of you are being too hard on yourselves. 🙂 It took me forever and the proverbial day to start exercising--I'd been on the Food Lovers plan for three full weeks before I began riding my exercise bike, and I just started my strength training routine last...
Another great weekend
I'm all rested up and ready to roll--every time I ride my exercise bike, I feel a little better. (Why didn't I start SOONER? Guess there's no sense in asking that question.) I once heard Covert Bailey say that if the effects of exercise could be contained in a...
Happy birthday, Mom and Jerry!
Today's the day--we're getting together to have a birthday bash at one of our favorite restaurants. I guarantee we'll be rocking the place with laughter--we always have fun when we get together. (I'm looking forward to the challenge of choosing the proper protein,...
Wednesday rambles…
We'll be announcing last week's winner as soon as she (or he) has been notified by email. Mom and Jerry's birthday celebration has been moved to Thursday--their actual birthday--and we're all going out to lunch. So, yesterday I was able to stay home and complete a...
Rise and Shine
It appears I'm back to my old schedule of getting up early, so I have a running start on the day. And I could not be more grateful. Last night, I prayed, "Please wake me up at such-and-such a time". Didn't even set my alarm. You got it--I opened my eyes five...
Roasting Julia
No, I have not taken up cannibalism or done that thing they do in Hollywood, when they 'honor' someone by making jokes about them over dinner and drinks. The title of today's blog desribes one of my craft experiments this weekend--between taking Vitamin C and lying...
Today, I celebrate
I have just "re-upped" with my wonderful publishers, Harlequin, and I am thrilled. So even though I'm feeling my deadline bearing down on me, I think I'll celebrate today. 🙂 Also, the plumbers are here, pounding and drilling as they put in the new bathroom for the...
Despite appearances….
I have not been abducted by aliens and subjected to strange cosmological experiments. 🙂 (This is a running joke between Sister Sally and me--we text each other pictures when we wake up in the morning with especially bad hair, and it's our theory that aliens are...
I Have a Dream…
I have a dream that someday, everyone will be kind and respectful to everyone else, no matter what color their skin or manner of worship. I have a dream that not a single child, anywhere on the planet, will go hungry and suffer for a lack of medical treatment. I have...