blogs & news

Afternoon blog

I got right into the book this morning, and I was busy all day long, so I'm just now sitting down to blog. Someone asked about my new schedule: I work four days, and take three to refill the creative well, resting, reading, doing art work, cooking and, sometimes,...

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Wonderful weekend!  I cooked a pork roast yesterday, and Wendy and Jeremy and Jen all came to have supper with me.  Wendy and Jeremy brought 4 pumpkins, one for each of us, and we carved jack-o-lanterns, making a glorious mess and completely confounding Bernice.  🙂 ...

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I did it!

I met my writing quota for the week--four chapters!--and now I'm going to PLAY, nonstop, for three whole days!  YEEHAW!! Loving your comments--please insert your full name somewhere in your message, as we had some confusion last time, with two people having the same ...

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It seems to me…

...that writing a book is a brave thing to do.  I've been realizing lately that whatever I put my characters through, I go through as well.  All the "Big Sky" books are as honest as I can make them, and it can be painful to reveal so much about what I REALLY...

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The winners are…

Crystal, Maggie Arnold, and Sam.  Please send your snail mail addresses to me at [email protected], and I'll send each of you a signed book. I had such a good writing day yesterday--Casey and Walker both amaze me continually--and I'm looking forward to another excellent...

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And a fine Tuesday morning it is

A writing day--my favorite kind!  Yesterday I drafted Chapter Four of "Big Sky Summer", and I plan to write Chapter Five today, since I'm on a roll. Last Friday, Wendy, Jeremy and I picked up my mom, Hazel, and took her to lunch at the Onion, here in Spokane.  After...

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The reunion and other adventures

The Lael/Kramer clan met at the Longhorn Barbecue on Saturday morning, for breakfast, storytelling, joking around, and lots of hugging.  🙂  Cousin Barbara Lynn did a wonderful presentation on our ancestors--all the way back to the Revolutionary War.  We've always...

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I’m proud to know all of you

You're amazing, you truly are.  You comments and sharing from the heart touch me so deeply.  It's as though we're all sitting together around a great big kitchen table, chatting away about everything. I have a couple of errands to run today, plus a chapter to...

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Winners are…

Nyoka and Barbara S.  Please send your snail mail addresses to: [email protected] and we'll send out your signed books. If you didn't win, no worries!  We'll be doing this again NEXT Wednesday. Here's the question: What was the best advice you ever received?

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In-between blog

Hello, there, friends, Romans and country(wo)men.  I'm racing through Chapter 3 of the new book today, but since I happen to be on lunch break, I decided to post a few words. Jeremy planted all the spring bulbs yesterday, and they're already popping up, in riotous...

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Oh, happy day!

The writing is going well, and I'm thrilled! My friend Ozma's procedure was a bust--she's okay, but for one reason or another, the doctor couldn't finish.  So she's pretty much in the same discouraging place and very much in need of your prayers. Tomorrow I'll...

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To my friend, Ozma

My good friend Ozma is having a very intricate medical procedure done today.  I'm praying for her, and I'd appreciate it if those of you who are so inclined would do the same.  God bless and Godspeed, Ozma.  (And just think; tomorrow morning, it will be over.) That...

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