Alive and well in Spokane, WA
I've just been brainstorming up a--well--storm. 🙂 Unfortunately, that hasn't left me much time for blogging or anything else. "Big Sky Summer" will be a fantastic book to write and, I hope, to read--all kinds of ideas churning around in my brain. I didn't sleep...
To Blog or Not to Blog
That is the question. 🙂 The answer, of course, is always, "Yes". Or, on days like today, "Yes, eventually." 🙂 I've been celebrating the completion of "Big Sky River", albeit very quietly, since Friday--by quietly, I mean: 1) fussing over Bernice. She's been a...
Time to Celebrate!
I was up at 5:30 this morning, brimming with story, and writing the ending of "Big Sky River" by 6:00! A little while ago, I finished. I love this book--here's hoping my editor agrees. 🙂 The project was long and in some ways difficult, but these characters really...
I'll be finishing "Big Sky River" today, so I'm throwing my whole self into the project--lots of strings to tie up! (We don't want any more incidents like Lucy-Maude and her kittens. 🙂 You'll catch a glimpse of them in the new book, coming in January of 2013). If...
In Remembrance
I couldn't let the day pass without a tribute to all the brave and innocent souls who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Some were stolen, and some were freely given, out of sheer courage, in an effort to protect and rescue others. It's hard to believe it's...
Crazy Busy
Short blog today--I'm really pouring it on to finish the book. Just wrote a love scene that will probably fry some of the circuits in my computer. 🙂 Our wonderful fall weather continues--crisp and cool, but sunny. More later.
Hello, Monday!
Yeehaw! It's Monday again--my favorite day of the week! I know that probably sounds crazy to some of you, but there it is. I love my work. I love getting back to it after a weekend or a holiday--and, yes, I have to eat some crow, because I DIDN'T write, for all...
Yikes! (And other ramblings)
Where is this excerpt from "High Country Bride" printed??? HCB is definitely about RAFE--thank heaven for my eagle-eyed readers. 🙂 I seem to be in goof-off mode today--slow moving, lots of fiddling around. Hence, this blog is being posted later than usual. Which...
Your comments
...are extra terrific today! I've been scrolling through them, answering a few, and doing a lot of smiling. Thank you. On one recommendation, I've just downloaded three books by Reeve Lindberg, daughter of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindberg, and I can't wait to read...
Nook Frenzy
It's just too easy to order books electronically these days. 🙂 One just leads to another and before I know it, there I am, up half the night, reading until my eyes won't focus. Here's what I'm into now: "The Inn at Rose Harbor" by Debbie Macomber--classic, funny,...
I am all rested up and ready to write! Thought I'd touch on some of the comments for today's blog: RE: Mistakes in past books. I appreciate the input and try to learn from the error so I don't make it again. Not much I can do to change them now, though. 🙂 Re: Mojo...
Labor Day
Here's wishing you and yours a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Enjoy, and please be safe. See you Tuesday (if not sooner).