blogs & news

Our Veterans and Active Duty Personnel

Although yesterday was Veteran's Day, many of us are observing the occasion today.  To me, this is one of the most important "holidays" in the year--a chance to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the brave men and women, past and present, who have preserved our rights,...

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In the words of Winston Churchill…

"Let us go forward together".  The American people have spoken, and as far as I'm concerned, that's sacred.  I don't discuss my private political opinions, ever, but I feel strongly about complainers who never actually get to the polls.  Armchair-quarterbacking, I...

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Did you vote?

I mailed in my ballot yesterday, and I'm thankful that I have a small voice in things. Now, I know some of you would argue, with no little justification, that individual votes don't really matter, so why bother registering, going to the polls or filling out a ballot? ...

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Back in the game!

All right, I've had about all the fun and rest I can stand.  🙂  It's time to get back to work! That said, I had a great weekend.  Wendy and Jeremy joined me for corned beef and cabbage, as planned, and then came over again for roast beef.  (We're Dr. Seuss fans...

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It's a miracle, and I know Who to thank for it--"Big Sky Summer" is complete, and I'm giving myself a long weekend as a reward.  I want to do art, to think and pray and read.  Oh, yes, and cook a little, too--corned beef and cabbage for supper.  🙂 The fancy...

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One day more!

Believe it or not, I am on the homestretch with "Big Sky Summer", and it feels great!  (Even though I suffer from a form of empty-nest syndrome when my characters leave home. 🙂 )  I'll be drafting the final chapter today, fleshing it out and giving it a polish...

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Good morning, everybody!

Here are the winners for the Halloween memory contest: Bonnie Wilson,  Rhonda Terstegge, and LaTasha Reed.  Zip me your snail mail addresses at [email protected] and we'll send you each a signed book.  Enjoy! Today is a writing day--you'll remember, I was pooped on...

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I’m dancing as fast as I can 🙂

Well, the book is taking up about every spare moment of my day--I have just three more chapters to write to finish the story!  WOW! I haven't forgotten about the contest: I'll choose my Halloween memory winners tonight and post their names tomorrow.  I truly...

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Sorry I’m late!

What a weekend I had! On Friday night, daughter Wendy and I, along with Cousin Mary Ann and her daughter, Jenni, spent the night at Northern Quest and took in the Sylvia Browne show.  That lady cracks me up--if she wasn't a psychic, she could be a stand-up comedian! ...

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It’s me again!

Another great day, another great WEEK!  I've got some polishing to do in the morning, but I've met my writing quota again this week, and that's a miracle.  Literally.  Weekend plans are exciting indeed--tomorrow, Wendy, Jenni, Mary Ann and I will all be in the...

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Admit it, you thought I’d forgotten!

This week's winners are: Kim Cornwell, Kathy T. and Carole Sklenar.  As usual, send your snail mails to [email protected], and you'll soon receive your prizes! Next question: What is your very best childhood memory of Halloween?  Prizes announced next Wednesday!  (If you...

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