Congratulations, Juanita Rice!
Our "favorite book" contest winner has been chosen. Juanita, please respond to Jenni's email asking for your snail info, and we'll get your book and bracelet right out to you. It sure is wintry today--cold and slippery and absolutely beautiful--in other words, a good...
It’s Mary Ann’s birthday
Mary Ann, as many of you know, is my first cousin and also the Trail Boss here on the Triple L. We've literally been together all our lives--as babies, we often slept in the same crib. She's six months younger than I am, and she rubs it in when my birthday rolls...
Top of the Morning
Okay, it's more like the tag-end of the morning--but I've finally arrived. 🙂 My new exercise bike is set up and I'm already riding it--starting small, though, with five minutes in the morning and five in the afternoon. I plan to work up to 30 minutes total. There...
On Track
My new exercise bike is being assembled even as we speak, and when I'm done with today's writing, I'll be able to break it in! Yeehaw! Never thought I'd be excited about EXERCISE, of all things. 🙂 I am definitely excited about the shipment of flower seeds I...
Monday greetings
Winter is in full swing here on the Triple L--we haven't had a LOT of snow, but it's pretty steady. Thank heaven for the Canadian Wrangler, the tractor, and the plow blade. 🙂 It was a quiet weekend, except for a brief and fruitless visit to the casino. Oh, well, I...
Jen tells me we have some confusion over who actually won the contest. We doubled checked, identified the original winner, and sent her an email. Sorry about the mix-up--next time, I guess we'll need more identifying details upfront. Still working the kinks out of...
And the winner is……..
Kathie!! Please email your snail mail address to [email protected] and we'll get your bracelet and signed book out to you....... Congrats!!
Be patient! 🙂
Jenni is walking the dog at the moment, a high priority around here. 🙂 When she gets back, I'll have her bring me the 'hat' so I can draw out the Sam O'Ballivan winner! Some of you are curious about the weight loss plan--it's Food Lovers Fat Loss Program, the one...
I think, therefore, I blog
I hope that blog title isn't supposed to mean anything. If it does, I haven't a clue what. I'm a little behind schedule today--we're getting lots of snow and a grocery-store visit seemed to be in order--and one thing led to another. Well, you know how that goes. :)...
Walking (not) in a winter wonderland
Woke up to snow this morning, and lots of it. And it is BEAUTIFUL--probably because I don't have to go anywhere. My office is right here at home, one of the many things I love about my job. We've had at least six inches overnight, and it's still coming down in...
Seriously? It’s really Friday again???
Amazing. The older I get, the more time seems to fly. Since I love my life, though, I don't really mind. As an ADD person, I'm not very good at doing things slowly anyhow. 🙂 I'm into Day 6 of the Food Lovers Program, and I'm already noticing subtle...
Sunshine on snow
First, my heartfelt sympathies to Sam, on the loss of your grandmother. That's a hard one. You and yours are in my prayers; may God hold you on His lap and soothe you in your sorrow. Speaking of God, He's outdone Himself today--snowy landscape, blue skies, and...